Improving your condition

If you are worried that a problem or medical condition may be made worse by physical activity, see a doctor before starting a programme to increase your activity levels.

At all ages, the benefits of being physically active outweigh potential harm, for example through accidents. Some physical activity is better than doing none.

The potential benefits to your health will greatly outweigh any small risks involved with exercising, as long as you build up your activity gradually and according to specialists recommendations. Brisk walking is a great activity to start with! (3 miles per hour or faster, but not race-walking)!

Useful points

  • Try to keep physical activity high on your list of priorities. Try different activities so that you can find something to partake in that you truly enjoy!
  • Use everyday activities as part of your physical activity programme.
  • Set yourself individual goals to beat that are ultimately achievable, nothing too strenuous!
  • Talk to your consultant about any groups or initiatives in your local area, the move more website is useful to identify a new activity to try out or partake in, many of which are free! (

Moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic exercise training increases pain tolerance in healthy individuals. Which can be key in leading a better quality of life.