Soft tissue injuries - mechanism of injury and testing

TissueMechanism of injury and things to considerAppropriate test
MCLValgus strain / forceValgus stress test, tender on palpation of origin and insertion of MCL (medial femoral condyle and medial proximal tibia)
LCLVarus forceVarus stress test, tender on palpation of origin and insertion of LCL (lateral femoral condyle and head of fibula)
ACLLanding injury or change of direction with fixed foot and valgus knee with tibial rotation. Audible pop and immediate swellingLachman’s test
PCLHyper flexion / landing on a flexed knee, hyperextension, dashboard injuryPosterior tibial sag, positive posterior drawer.
Meniscal tear (acute)Flexion and rotation injury, acute swelling, potential for locked knee and loss of extension.Positive sweep test for effusion, test for full and equal knee extension, palpation of joint line positive,
Quadriceps / patella tendon ruptureHyperflexion injury, excessive quadriceps load, steroid users.Loss of straight leg raise, no pull thorough on to patella on quadriceps contraction, low or high riding patella on palpation.